Safeguarding is about keeping our children safe, both inside and outside of the nursery.

Safeguarding and child protection at our nursery is a vital element of our daily practice. Our staff are trained to understand our safeguarding policy and procedures, as well as to know exactly what to do in any given situation where a child’s safety and welfare may be at risk. 

The purpose of our safeguarding and health and safety policies is to ensure every child who is a registered at our setting is safe and protected from harm. This means we will always work to create secure environments that meet or exceed health and safety and safeguarding standards.  

Promoting the welfare of children

We believe that all children have the right to be safe in our society. Therefore, we recognise that we have a duty to ensure arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children by creating a positive nursery atmosphere through our teaching and learning, and care for both children and nursery personnel, training for staff and with working with parents. We teach all our children about safeguarding.

We understand that ‘safeguarding is what we do for all children, whilst child protection refers to the procedures we use for children at risk of significant harm or who have been harmed.’

We work hard to ensure that everyone keeps careful watch throughout the nursery and in everything we do for possible dangers or difficulties. We want all children to feel safe at all times. We want to hear their views of how we can improve all aspects of safeguarding and from the evidence gained we put into place all necessary improvements. We want all our children to achieve their full potential by:

  • being as physically and mentally healthy as possible;

  • experiencing good quality education opportunities;

  • living in a safe environment;

  • learning in a safe environment;

  • experiencing emotional well being;

  • feeling loved and valued;

  • receiving support from a network of reliable and affectionate relationships;

  • learning to look after themselves;

  • coping with everyday living;

  • having a sense of identity and a positive image of themselves;

  • developing their confidence and their interpersonal skills

We recognise that the safety and protection of children is the responsibility of all Nursery personnel and volunteers as they are in a unique position to notice injuries, marks or bruises when children are undertaking certain activities which might indicate a child has been abused. We believe that we must report and investigate all injuries for the safety and protection of the children in our care.